Abbreviations & Acronyms
Avoid acronyms and abbreviations if possible; explain all acronyms and abbreviations at least the first time used.
Important Info
Screen readers try to pronounce abbreviations and acronyms first, then read the letters if there are insufficient vowels. For example, the abbreviation for helium is HE. When using the abbreviation, make sure it is written H E (with a space in between each letter) so the screen reader does not pronounce it as the word “he”).
- Abbreviations/acronyms on a slide should have a space in between letters of 1 point font size. This gives the illusion that the letters are side by side but achieves the desired effect for screen readers.
- Abbreviations/acronyms in alt text should be spaced apart with one full space in between each letter.
- Always check pronunciation manually with a screen reader.
- Content cannot be pulled or copied from any source other than the textbook. Creation of original examples/problems are acceptable
- Aim for fewer than six bullet points per slide.
- Aim for fewer than eight words on each line or bullet point where possible.
- Bold can be used to emphasize words in text, but should not be overused.
All content should be written in US English unless otherwise specified by the business unit.
Numbers with Decimals
Numbers with decimals are read correctly by most screen readers (e.g. 10.3 is read “10 point 3”). Always manually test with a screen reader to ensure accuracy.
Roman Numerals
- Avoid using Roman Numbers whenever possible.
- Most roman numerals are read correctly in PPT using a screen reader. However, Roman Numerals I (one), V (five), VI (six), and X (ten) are typically read as letters.
- MathType may be used to render roman numerals properly.
- Always manually test roman numerals with a screen reader to ensure accuracy.
- If Roman Numbers are used, see Accessibility Workarounds for more information.
Spelling & Grammar
Ensure correct spelling and grammar for:
- Each slide and its corresponding Notes Pane
- Alt text for each image
- Properties fields as applicable
Superscripts & Subscripts
Superscripts and subscripts must be inserted using MathType. See STEM Equations for more information.
- Never insert symbols using the PPT ribbon: Insert > Symbols. These symbols are not read by screen readers. The only exception is the + (plus) and = (equal) symbols.
- All symbols should be inserted using MathType. See STEM Equations for more information.