- Footer should contain the Pearson logo on the left and the copyright line (with past 3 editions) on the right.
- Slide numbers are optional. Check with the business unit to see if they want to include this information.
- Copyright line should be Verdana font, 12 point.
Important Info
Footer information
- All footer content should be read by screen readers on the first slide of every deck. Make sure the Pearson logo and copyright line text are visible in reading order. Use Master slide, “Chapter Opener – add copyright”
- Starting on slide 2, all footer content should be placed on Master Layout slides and remain in the background.
Slide numbers
Slide numbers are optional. Check with the business unit to see if they want to include this information. Slide numbers should appear in the footer, align right, Verdana font, 12 point, black. Copyright information will then be shifted to the center of the footer.
Slide numbers are extra noise for screen readers because they are already programmatically announced. Also, slide numbers automatically appear visually in Normal View.
Check with the business unit to see if they want slide numbers to appear.